Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Paliativos para el estrés/Cont.

12. Lay The Journey to Wild Divine Consigue este juego en CD-ROM
It's a CD-ROM game that works like this: Three biofeedback sensors worn on your fingers sense your stress level and translate it into your ability to perform tasks such as levitating virtual balls or controlling birds in flight. The more you play, the more mastery you gain over your emotions. Go towilddivine.comfor more information. It sells for about $300.

13. Find a Breathtaking View Contempla una hermosa vista panorámica
Now take a breath—and a good long look. You'll walk away from the brink with a sense of context and a bigger perspective, which will make the 5,000 things on your to-do list seem less daunting, says Allen Elkin, Ph.D., director of the Stress Management & Counseling Center in New York City .

14. Imagine You're on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire
Imagina que has ganado un premio gordo

When dealing with a screaming child in a car or any other acutely stressful situation, ask yourself how long you could listen to it if someone gave you $100,000, suggests Elkin. Suddenly, it's not so awful, is it?

15. Say You're Sorry Pida excusas, diga lo siento
What, now the kid is screaming on a crowded airplane? Immediately apologize to everyone around you. By acknowledging that you may have made a mistake or hurt someone else, you can help clear the air, and that will reduce your stress level, says Charles Emery, Ph.D., an associate professor of psychology at Ohio State University .

16. Forgive Perdone
Now someone else's kid is screaming on a crowded airplane? And the mom is too wrapped up in this week'sPeopleto do a thing about it? Let it go, says Carl Thoresen, Ph.D., a. Realizing that you can't control someone else's behavior is difficult, but it's one of the best ways to destress.

17. Add Trees to Your Commute Contemple la naturaleza mientras viaja
Even if it takes you out of your way, it may make your ride less stressful. An Ohio State University study found that scenic drives were more calming than those involving strip malls and endless, disheartening asphalt.

18. Water a Plant Riegue una planta
It's nurturing, it doesn't take up much space, and for 10 seconds, the world is not about you, which can be a huge psychological relief, says Elkin.

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